Grrr, hi there today me Metoshi dropped by for a few minutes to share with you some hot news about comic books where I am the st

23 Jun 2022, 11:04
Grrr, hi there today me Metoshi dropped by for a few minutes to share with you some hot news about comic books where I am the star 🌟🌟🌟 We have 3 comic strips ready and one is on the way 💪👍✨ So far only 2 have been published and I hope you already know them by heart by now 😊 and if not hurry up to the website to fix that!😜 The first 3 are of the same style and in the 4th one I got bored so gonna try a new genre, and it is fantasy action. Woohoo, you wouldn't want to miss it, for sure! 💥🔥 So check the ones that are there and stay tuned for new editions. Oh, I need to dash now, the life of a comics star is busy-busy ✨✨ till later 😜